25 September, 2008


Her name is Grace soft and gentle she flows, she is something I can’t catch, like mist she is unable to be held. This is something I will have to live with.

I wake up, and I’m somewhere else, the light is soft and warm. The bed moves, I'm still half asleep, I slowly role round only to meet the eyes of some nameless girl I vaguely remember from the evening before. Damn… why couldn’t she leave during the night like all the others? Who the hell dose she think she is. Her breath smells like stale wine, which is not something I want first thing in the morning. I try not to think what she is having to put up with if it’s anything like what I’m tasting she is braver than me… why the hell is she smiling…

She starts to move and without uttering a word she is off the bed, her eyes are sill holding me as she slips over the sheets and clothes abandoned on the floor from the evening past. There is some thing different about her I didn’t see it last night and even with make-up smeared from tears and sweet she is the prettiest girl I can remember seeing in a long time. She makes it to the bathroom closing the door but meeting my gaze till the last. Crap I hope she is over 16. I hear the shower start…

Why dose this always happen, what is it about me that attracts the freaks. The shower is still running. I’ll offer her money, nothing gets rid of a chick faster than calling her a whore. Money! Where are my pants? I need my pants. I crumble to the floor and start searching the river of cloth. Something still doesn’t feel right, but I manage to emerge with pants on and a wallet in hand.

The shower’s stopped!

23 September, 2008

Aggressive Saving

With the whole issue in the US money has been on my mind I need to stop thinking like a child in this area of my life. I love games, movies, books, and music but I can’t go spending my hard earned dosh on everything shiny that crosses my field of vision. To be completely honest at this point in time it’s more like a philosophy than a complete plan but I think it’s a good one.

This realisation came more by force than by choice thanks to a recent payment issue with my current employer that’s dragged on for the last few months. The whole situation made me audit my spending and divide things between need and want as a result I’ve changed my phone and internet plan and now buy the “no name” equivalent when grocery shopping. I’ve also become quite the leach going wherever the free food is, married couples with kids are the best for this kind of leaching tho I try not to abuse the good will of my friends… please keep feeding me!

19 September, 2008

Riding in the Rain

As the Merc changed into my lane and hit the breaks I was thanking God for the discs on my bike and their stopping power. The little manoeuvre I pulled would have looked cool as sin to the car right behind me but it scared the crap out of me. Riding in the city is hella dangerous and the longer you’ve been doing it the more chance you have of leaving your mark on someone else’s car. On the plus side it’s a rush and that’s the issue, the more fun I start to have the crazier I ride…

16 September, 2008

Forgetful Me

I wonder how many blogs start out like this... some guy sitting down to re watch a movie (charade) with his laptop at hand, then thinking "I should start a blog" at least 4 I reckon. that being said I'm going to deviate a little from the standard first post topics and not tell you what I plan to do or where I will be taking this. I'm just going to type.

I've just been reading some 6 word stories while watching the movie and starting a blog. I think I need to slow down a little as it could be the reason why I forget so many things, keys, dates and friends names for example. with the amount of data being pushed towards us it's a valid case to start wearing a name tags.